Is your website working for you?

Author: Debansu Das

As a business owner, you need to know where your clients are, but what about engaging with those potential customers who don’t yet know of your existence?

 Once you’ve made the decision to showcase your company online, creating a successful website isn’t just about designing and building it. You will also need a marketing strategy to develop it, and make it work for you and your visitors. This means letting people know you are there in the first place, but also means keeping your website relevant.

Finding out how consumers are interacting with your website is vital to making improvements that are really going to benefit your business. However, they are not the only people you need to impress! With Google processing over 3.5 billion searches per day, it’s crucial that your website stands out in order to rank highly within the search engine results pages (SERP’s).

So how can you do that?

Let’s first consider this analogy: your online presence (i.e. your Website) is a house. Extensive and appropriate keyword research is the ‘foundation’ for the house.

Without a solid foundation that has been well thought out, managed and installed by professionals, the rooms of your house (i.e. your paid-for-advertising, Link Building etc.) are likely to suffer from subsidence.

Relevant keyword research will determine what people are typing into the search engines when they are looking for the services that you offer. This needs to be followed with on-page search engine optimisation.

These essential, steps form the foundations of your house.  If these are faulty, or non-existent, then your house is structurally unsound, and any activities you carry out are likely to have basic flaws that reduce their effectiveness.

So now you’ve got people to your site, how can you keep them there?

By making sure you engage those visitors with relevant information, and content to encourage them to buy or visit again. Keeping your website relevant is the same as building your physical business: it requires time and attention to make it successful.

Choosing a construction firm, be it a large corporation or a private residence developer, is a very important decision. It involves time, research and careful consideration from the clients part. Therefore, construction firms need to make all significant information available to potential customers on their websites.

According to the 2017 Construction Marketing Association outlook survey, websites are considered an important tool. When asked about their marketing strategies for the year, 92.9%,of professionals plan to increase their website development, and 73.1% intend to increase their local SEO budgets.

With your competitor’s aware of the need to optimise their online presence, now is the time to make sure your website is working for you.

Debansu Das  Chartered Marketer, MBA

Digital Marketer, M: 07970249349, E:

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