
CIM Sector Interest Groups (SIGs)

From construction to finance, hotels to travel, CIM supports a range of Sector Interest Groups (SIGs) that bring together marketers with specific industry knowledge. 

• Charity and Social Marketing Group
• Construction Industry Group
• Creative Communications Group
• Financial Services Group
• Food, Drink and Agriculture Group
• Higher Education Group
• The Levitt Group - Marketing Community for Fellows, Chartered Marketers and Senior Marketers
• Medical Marketing Group
• Small Business Group
• Travel Group

Join a CIM Sector Interest Group

CIM members can sign up for news and event notifications by logging onto MyCIM and updating their preferences.
Select the groups you would like to hear more from in the preference centre under ‘industry interests’.

Manage my preferences on MyCIM

If you are not yet a CIM member join us today.

Expand your marketing knowledge and network by becoming a member of the CIM. You can take advantage of our insightful and thought provoking exclusive content, attend our national and regional networking and knowledge sharing events and top up your skills with discounted rates on our wide range of training courses. As a member of CIM you will gain recognition as a current and actively engaged marketer.

There are two types of CIM membership – introductory and graded:

• Introductory membership is for marketing students, those considering a career in marketing and those who are just starting out on their marketing career. 

• Graded membership recognises your experience and qualifications within the marketing industry, and awards you the designatory letters to match. Upon becoming an Associate, Member or Fellow, you can begin your route to becoming a Chartered Marketer. 

Find out more and become a member