
Member Benefits

Whether you work for a contractor, manufacturer, professional practice, materials supplier, information provider or specialist marketing consultant, we advance the careers of our members by demonstrating that companies which employ professionally qualified marketers outperform those that do not.

CIMCIG members get discounts and other benefits on a range of services and activities - make sure you get the most from your membership by following up on these offers.

• The Construction Media Index is a comprehensive report detailing the communication channels available for promoting to the construction sector.
• CIMCIG members can enjoy a 10% discount. For details download an application form here.
• CIMCIG members receive a 10% discount when booking places on Competitive Advantage’s open Sales and Marketing training courses held at the Building Centre, see Events page for course details.
• CIMCIG has arranged a special discount subscription offer with leading industry magazine Construction News, visit
• Glenigan offers a special discount to CIMCIG members,

Communicating with our members

CIMCIG produces a monthly newsletter sent to all members. Members can join CIMCIG's blog.

CIMCIG's social media

CIMCIG on LinkedIn
CIMCIG has a Group on LinkedIn with over 1100 members, and a subgroup for professional services.

CIMCIG on Twitter
You can follow CIMCIG on social networking site Twitter. Just follow @CIMCIG
We will follow you back, if you are a member, and this will help you to find other members in the 'twitterverse'.