Knowledge Hub
CIMCIG is restructuring its knowledge base of material relevant to marketing in the construction industry; whilst this happens all the existing material will remain available but some new sections may not contain information for a few days. CIMCIG's library of publications, contacts, surveys, information sources and other useful material is available here, you can search for specific topics or browse the resources by category.
Presentations and similar information from events organised by or otherwise involving CIMCIG are available as presented however CIMCIG takes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in the presentations.
If you are not a CIMCIG member you will not be able to access everything in the knowledge base as some items are only available for CIMCIG members.
There is also a substantial amount of general marketing information available at www.cim.co.uk.
If you would like to submit material for possible inclusion in this archive please email it to us.